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28 Jul

Sometimes life is a curve-ball.

Sometimes you have to ask your mom to cook you veggies to take to work for dinner  because you haven’t had a home cook meal in over a week.

Sometimes you have to have strawberry and banana smoothies for breakfast and wonder why they’re brown.

Sometimes you just have to adore your cute puppy Dean.

Sometimes you have to eat cookies bigger than your head.

Sometimes you have to take pictures of yourself before lifting weights and spin class.

Sometimes you have to wish Angie would adopt you.

Then wish you would rather be best friends with Pippa.

Sometimes you have to eat fried foods.

It’s fried catfish. Who cares?

Sometimes you have to look cute at work because you have a crush on your co-worker despite his Facebook status.

And sometimes you have to re-think your life.

I mean really re-think it.