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Running on Empty Review + Vitamins

12 Jun

Not too long ago I received Running on Empty from Matt.

I finished it! Yay for reading books!

I have to say, it was definitely a lot different from what I expected. I have read several running books from Dean Karnazes to Pam Reed, but Running on Empty by Marshall Ulrich was raw. Karnazes’ running novels are simple and make you feel like he can run forever without any problems. Same with Pam Reed. She makes it seem like she just runs and runs without any challenges. For Ulrich, however, there is raw intensity when he runs.

In his book, he shows his struggles and all the bumps in the road he had to overcome to run across America. It seems like one problem after another with injuries (I feel ya) and his sidekick quitting. Ulrich also adds raw intensity when he reveals that he runs most likely because he is running away from his upsets like the death of his first wife and failed marriages. In addition, his book doesn’t seem to purely focus on running. No doubt it is a book about running, but something about it adds a whole new level. He’s honest and throws out a few curse words, which I love. (Hey, I’m Italian. I swear.) To put it in plain terms, Ulrich is a man who runs and still faces everyday challenges just like the rest of us runners. He doesn’t come across as a superman runner like Karnzes, but there is no question that he has superman qualities to never stop running across America. He seems more human and more of  runner like you and I.

“As for me, sure, there’s an underlying compulsion: survivor’s guilt and a need to punish myself, to prove myself, to face down my own mortality, to defy death. But my running is also a reflection of my upbringing, a work ethic, a personal challenge. My love of history gets interwoven, too – the feats of other people in other times – coupled with the alluring possibility that I might be able to go farther, faster, today.”
I highly recommend it if you love running or just reading. It’s summer after all. Go read a book. 


It seems like all I do right now is research foot pains. I know that the first time I hurt my foot, it had to be plantar fasciitis. Then, I did some more research and came across cuboid syndrome which is a subluxation or disruption of the cuboid bone which lies on the outside of the foot.




No matter what I have, I have been strength training. I’ve been working on strengthening my calves, quads, and glutes. When I get up in the morning, my foot hurts so I do some stretches. Currently, as in right this very moment, my foot feels fine. Like, I’m really surprised. Knock on wood. 

In addition, to strength training, I bought iron. I had a little light-bulb in my head go off. This may be TMI, but whatever. I don’t get a period. A lot of athletes don’t either so don’t give me that shit that I’m too skinny. It’s not uncommon. Anyway, I don’t get a period so ding ding ding, maybe I am iron deficient. I think I hit it on the money. I told this to my mom and she agrees. We went to Target and bought some iron vitamins.

Everyday, nonetheless, I do take vitamins.

I take:

  •  Vitamin D to support my teeth, bone and immune health.
  • Calcium magnesium zinc to help build strong bones and teeth as well as reduce the risk of osteoporosis and  support healthy muscle contraction.
  • B-complex to help convert food into energy, maintain nervous system health, and help red blood cell and protein formation.
Perhaps taking Iron will help my injury heal faster. I will do anything at this point. You guys would too since I bet you’re sick of hearing about it.
Now on to honorable eats:
 Greek yogurt + protein powder + grapes + Nugo bar in a jar
Fish and falafel
Lemon coconut cake
Ever heard of cuboid syndrome?
Do you take vitamins?
Read any good books lately?