Top 5

4 Aug


I apologize for not blogging in like the past week or two. Sometimes I’m really lazy and I feel like I’m boring since I don’t do anything ever.

I only take a lot of selfies just to prove to people that I’m having fun on the weekend, I swear!

unnamed (3) 

Don’t worry. I have more excuses to throw at you on why I don’t blog regularly. 

Excuse #1: I’ve been running every day! Monday through Friday I wake up at 5 AM to run. The only downside to that is I go to bed at, like, 7:30 because I am now a grandma again and quite frankly, I love it! Going to bed early is my favorite thing to do. I lie in bed around 6 PM and watch Nicole Richie’s show. I inspire to be her. My hair will be purple once I’m out of the military.


Anyway, since I go to bed early, wake up early, and work all day, blogging just falls to the back burner. You guys aren’t missing out on my life. I eat Subway every day and watch the same movies on repeat.  

 Excuse #2: I’m out of excuses.

However, since we haven’t talked in a while and I haven’t been stalking your blogs, here are the top 5 greatest things that happened to me in the past week:

  1. I am down 21 pounds! I definitely don’t think I look like a lost weight and I still feel obese despite people telling me I look skinnier. Now this week, the scale has not moved at all. So, being the person I am, I research running and losing weight. There are a billion and one sites saying you cannot lose weight and run a lot. What are your views on this? I did it before. Granted, I wasn’t really eating, but I was running and losing weight. How come so many runners are in shape and (most likely) skinny? So, you’re telling me I can’t lose weight and run a lot despite every weight loss success story in fitness magazines? I’m so confused. Thoughts? I’m also confused as to why the scale fluctuates from 5-10 pounds. Driving me nuts.
  2. I’m up to 8 miles now! On Saturday I ran 8 miles in an hour and then I just continued with that on Sunday. .ckvm
  3. I am also getting faster! My speed has increased a lot from when I first starting running a few weeks ago. Eventually I’ll be running my 6 minute miles. Eventually.xckvj
  4. I am so hyper all the time! Yes, I am exhausted the majority of the work day, but my mood has improved. Running has made me happy, but I feel like I’m back to myself of being extremely weird with my co-workers. I know I’m back to my happy go lucky self when my buddy tells me to shut up.
  5. I can fit in some clothes I have not worn in months! Not only that, I’m not so self-conscious about wearing shorts. It’s extremely hot in Okinawa. A few months ago, it was about 100% humidity, but I refused to wear anything besides black skinny jeans with a black shirt. I was dressing in all black and the sun would make me sweat when I was just standing outside. It was ridiculous of me. The other day I wore shorts that showed off my thighs. Yeah, I don’t have a thigh gap, but at least my thighs are slimmer where I feel a bit more comfortable.

So, there you have it! My weekend consisted of me telling myself I should blog, but instead I ran and ate Subway all day long. I wish I was kidding. 


I’m trying to say I just ate too much Subway, but I’m still hungry.

Now it’s Monday and it has been such a terrible day for me! So terrible that I’m going to bed at 5 PM because I’m emotional and panic attacks make me sleepy.


But I love you guys! I apologize for being the worst blogger ever. Do I at least get an award for that?

4 Responses to “Top 5”

  1. Hollie August 4, 2014 at 4:36 AM #

    With running you can lose weight. That is how people lose weight quickly, obviously. But, if you are training for something (like a marathon) and trying to lose weight you can’t do both. Your body needs those extra calories/carbs/whatever and when you don’t get them..then your body doesn’t perform as well. I’m happy for you that life is clicking away.

    • Emily August 4, 2014 at 5:27 AM #

      I agree with Hollie that simply running is good for weight loss, but eating enough to train hard could hinder your progress or even cause weight gain. Additionally, stress can definitely cause weight gain and running puts a lot of stress on your body. I found this summer that when I was a bit more lenient with my running and eating I effortlessly lost a few pounds.
      But you seem to know what you’re doing, 21 pounds is insane progress! Way to go.

  2. thedancingrunner August 4, 2014 at 6:52 AM #

    Wait what the what? Nicole Richie has a show now? What cave have I been living in?! haha I must find it!!!

  3. deangump October 13, 2014 at 6:00 AM #

    I go forever without blogging so your lack of posts is no worry! I’m glad your mileage and speed is up!

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