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How Low Can You Go?

4 Sep

I’m throwing you guys for a loop here.

You ready?

I only ran three days this week. Oh my god. Someone call the loony bin because I went off the  deep end.

Or maybe not.

I’ve been in a bit of a running funk lately. All my runs suck. I feel slow and, yeah, I was slow for my own terms. I was running seven minute miles or more (less?) and I barely wanted to run farther than a mile.

I obviously needed a break from running since I have been running 50+ mile weeks for a month. My mind wanted to continue, but my body didn’t. Then my mind started to concur with my body.

So, I ran three times this week. I’ll probably run about the same next week too and I’ll see where I should go from there. Also, my big toe area has been feeling odd. I don’t know. I have too many problems.

Active rest is so important. I was feeling sluggish and I thought it was just me. It wasn’t my body, I thought. I believed I was just a huge failure. Then, I read this article. “With all this talk about running, it’s easy to forget about weight training and core work. Summer is a great time to gain strength and work on weaknesses. Even if you can’t get to a gym or weight room, there are plenty of exercises that can be done at home—chair dips, push-ups, stair step-ups, squat jumps, etc. Pair two leg or arm exercises with two ab exercises and do three sets of each. Or choose six exercises and do two circuits of everything. “

I still weight trained three times this week, but I just added in the elliptical, a strength class, and  spin class.

It’s funny how not running as much caused my appetite to spike. I feel so hungry all the time now. It could be the weight lifting though. I have been adding more weights and the next day I feel it.

So enough blah blah blah. Here’s my week in review:

August 29th through September 4th

Monday: Hour elliptical + 45 minute RIPPED class (strength training, plyo, and abs)
Tuesday: 12.25 mile run @ 6:59 pace (fastest pace – 6:36)
Wednesday: 7.78 miles @  6.59 pace (fastest pace – 6.40) + Weights

Thursday: Approximately 9.60 miles @ 6.51 pace (I forgot to start my Garmin at one point.)
Friday:  Elliptical + weights

Saturday: Spin class + elliptical
Sunday: Weights + spin class

Total mileage: Approximately 29.

Yeah, that’s a huge difference from fifty. It almost frightens me.

I plan on running tomorrow and I hope it goes well.

Honorable eats:

Peppermint cake
Salmon cakes and Indian rice
Oat bran muffin + custard
Tofu + tamale
Peanut butter cheesecake

In case you missed it:

“If you train your mind for running, everything else will be easy.”
                                  –Amby Burfoot