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Since I’ve been gone…

11 Oct


Since I’ve been gone…

I grew a mustache.

Since I’ve been gone…

I shaved it.

Since I’ve been gone…

I was called cute by one of my (male) coworkers after I shaved my mustache.


Since I’ve been gone…

I ran, like, maybe sixish miles. I’m still in a hell of a running rut.

Since I’ve been gone…

I biked 52 miles.

Since I’ve been gone…

I have not been able to put down this book:

Seriously. It amazing.  I will definitely do a review on this. Thanks, Barbara Walters, for recommending this on The View.

Also, since I’ve been gone, I bought the ESPN Body Issue.

Look at those legs. Holy moly.

I think they could crush a walnut.

The ESPN Body Issue actually made me feel better about myself. I may have big thighs, but they are all muscle. I may be a size zero/one, but I’m strong. I’m buff. My dentist told me that. Nevermind my teeth. Who cares?

Gretchen Bleiler, Olympic snowboarder, proclaimed, “This is not about being sexy but about being strong and powerful and showing girls it’s OK to have muscles.”

Today, while working out, I actually liked my body for once. I’m not a stick. I’m not just a bone. I have gained muscle and weight, and guess what? I’m still a size one just like I was when I was 105 or 103.

I don’t weigh myself anymore. I’m not doing all this cardio like I was (thanks to my running rut). Guess what? I’m fine. I may not be 100% confident with myself, but I feel better about myself.

That’s a start.

“It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners.  Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit.”
 –George Sheehan

Worst Blogger Ever

30 Sep

Hey, hey!

I apologize for being the worst blogger ever, but I have been super busy at work and when it came to sleep over blogging, I picked sleep.

Did you miss me and my classy mirror shots of myself?

I’ve been working full days since Sunday and today was finally a day off from work. It’s actually my rest day too. My legs and upper body are so sore. I don’t know what’s going on. I just knew that I needed a day to sleep (ten hours!) and relax before Race the Reaper tomorrow!

In Race the Reaper, there is a 1000 ft climb and 18+ obstacles. The obstacles look tougher than Warrior Dash. Sorry to anyone who did the Warrior Dash, but rednecks could do it (and they did by walking).

It’s not like you guys have missed much. I bought two weighted vests to run in to train for the Marines and I have been running somewhat. Running sucks. I can’t get into it. To be honest, I have been a little insane and have been running on a treadmill. That’s the only way I sway my mind away from running into the zone… of watching TV and singing to Pink.

Only one run did I do outside and I got into the zone. So much that I looked at my watch, saw I was four minutes faster than the last time I ran the same path, and I fell. Yeah, I tripped on a flat sidewalk on a busy road.

It’s okay. I didn’t cry. Come on. I’m tougher than that.

My pace is getting there. Let’s just say that.

I like running on the treadmill because I force myself to go fasterUnfortunately, I’m still running like seven minute miles and my legs hate it. However, last week, I got 34.67 miles in. I don’t think I got that many miles in this week.

Whatever. When I do run, I just make it worth it.

I think I ran Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I can’t remember. I have a memory of a fish. Maybe that’s why I like running. I can never remember when I ran last.

By the way, thanks for all the incredible comments on my last post.

I do have a confession to make.  I stumbled across some of those pro-thin websites on Tumblr. This is why I don’t have a Tumblr any longer. I would just look at those stupid photos of stupid girls with arms that size of a worm. Then I think that, “I could still be that. I could still not eat.” In reality, I could. I know I can. I have done it before, but this time I love food and I don’t want to see myself that way.

It’s pathetic.  Perhaps jealousy too, but it is pathetic.

Never would I want to stop eating.  I would never get to enjoy this:

Hummus + pretzels

King Harvest makes the best hummus. They make jalapeno hummus, chipotle hummus, black olive hummus… so good.

I’ve also been eating these every day:

It’s fake beef jerky. All of them have, like, 13 grams of protein for less than 200 calories.

Other recent eats include:

 Carrot cake
Barley salad
 Veggie chicken wrap

That should do it for now! I’ll have a better post tomorrow. Until then, I want to know what your favorite songs are currently that you like to work out to. I need some new tunes. 

“You train best where you are the happiest.”


21 Sep

It’s time again for…

Let’s totally rock this Wednesday and I’ll try not to sound like a total dork saying that.

Too late. I’m already a huge dork.


Oat bran + chocolate Almond Milk + chocolate protein powder + banana 

Green tea

Insert 7 mile run + elliptical + foam roller


Oikos plain Greek yogurt + protein powder + peanut butter + Nugo bar + Puffins + apple + grapes

This was actually my first time trying Puffins cereal. I really liked it! I’ll have to try some of the other varities.


Melon + plain goat yogurt

A pear before my acupunture appointment 

Iced Americano with a cookie


Black bean vegan burger and salad w/ Green Onion dressing. I love onions. Eaten with sweet potato salad on the side.


Late night snack:

Cottage cheese + Puffins cereal

Bada bing! Happy Wednesday!

By the way, check out The Hungry Runner Girl’s sweet giveaway.

“One thing about racing is that it hurts. You better accept that from the beginning or you’re not going anywhere.” 
                                                            -Bob Kennedy,


20 Sep


I’m still alive in case you were wondering. I have just been super busy with work. Boohoo. Earning money is hard time consuming.

I love my job. It isn’t even sad that I have no social life because of it. Not that I had one before so who am I kidding.

Anyway, I ran two times since we last talked.

Two times that were unbelievable slow and painful. My foot wasn’t the painful part either. It’s just painful to be that slow runner that I sometimes make fun of. I apologize, folks.

My foot is just annoying. I don’t understand what went wrong or what’s even wrong with it now, but come on. Damn, toe.

I ran on Saturday. I wanted to do my favorite run despite it being quite long. The run was 11.64 miles. I took two breaks (not counting the ones where I stopped to pet cats) and a walking break towards the end. It’s embarrassing for me to even admit that. Not the cat part, but the walking part. My average pace was, like, 7:20.

As you see, it  got slow in the end.

Then I ran again on Monday.

My pace was faster; about 7:15. I’m like 40 seconds off from my ‘normal‘ pace.

I’m really up in the air about running currently. Should I continue to run or wait it out until I’m 99.9% healed?

It’s just my second toe that is bugging me, which affects my whole foot. When I’m running, I’m just slow and I run odd. It’s not painful, but I know it’s not normal. I do I have another acupuncture appointment so perhaps that will be helpful.

You know what’s helpful?

Having this big tub of protein powder I got from this lovely lady.

It’s About Time whey protein powder that is cake batter flavor. Oh my gosh.

Dare I say I switched up my breakfast of eggs just for it.

I put some of the protein powder in my bowl of oat bran with a side of Orlando Bloom. I forgot he existed.

So, other than working and running and peeing every two seconds because I drink too much water/coffee/Vitamin Water…

I haven’t been up to much. Of course I have been making time for the Charlie Sheen Roast, Dancing With the Stars, and Two & a Half Men.

 I did do a little photo shoot the other day…

It was fall-like weather, but I wore shorts anyway. I’m a loser.

I am really one of those people who complains they are always cold just because they won’t put on a sweatshirt. True story, bro.

Anyway, I do have a WIAW coming up so I’ll stop here. Instead, enjoy drooling over my honorable eats.

    Roasted mushroom tofu sandwich
Eggs + teriyaki tofu
Salad w/ lots of veggies and Green Onion dressing

“Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all the locks.”
 -Joe Paterno

What have you been up to lately?

Go Big or Go Home

15 Sep

No matter how long I have been running and no matter how any miles I have racked up in the past months, taking two weeks off from running was actually the hardest part.

I was burnt out. Every run was awful and I didn’t even want to run after awhile.

Then, when I reduced my mileage to about twenty miles, my foot began to hurt. Go figure. After that, I really had to stop running. I didn’t run for over a week or so and today I finally got out to run.

I ran a long time (with several breaks and I didn’t plan on it). I ran about 9.9 miles on my own at an extremely fat, ugly, slow pace. Then, I ran three miles with my dog Dean. He was pulling me at points.

Christy, why didn’t you ease your way into it? Uh, I don’t know. Because I’m stupid.

I’m a person that either goes big or goes home. I could barely run twenty minutes straight on this run without walking. Do you know how big of a kick in the teeth that is to someone who can run six-minute miles for 14 miles?

I felt like an out of shape runner. The elliptical is great for cross training and burning off cheesecake, but that’s about it. It doesn’t make you a better runner. It doesn’t guarantee that when you do begin running again, you’ll still be able to run three miles in less than 30 minutes.

Building mileage is tough. Forcing yourself to run just to hit a certain mile or to give yourself an ego boost is difficult. Not running is rough too. Well, for me at least. Some people go their whole life without running. No problem for them. For me, it’s tough. I like to run. I want to run.

Getting back into running… that’s the worst. I only took two weeks off (barely) and I wanted to die while on my run.

Running is always easier said than done. It is not an easy sport. There is always room for improvement. A few days of not running and you can be either slower or faster than the last time you ran. I was hella slow today. Building my speed up and my mileage is going to be brutal. However, I’m a strange little bird that likes it. I don’t mind sweating so much that my eyes start to burn. I don’t mind the dirt on the side of my legs. I don’t know how it got there, but it’s there. I don’t mind being out of breath to the point that I think I should stop, but I don’t. Moreover, I don’t mind pushing through that nagging voice that tells me how worthless I am because I’m not as fast as other runners (cough, Tara and Hollie).

If my foot doesn’t hurt tomorrow, I’ll run for an hour. I could do a long run on Saturday if I want to die before I’m twenty, but we’ll see how that goes.

As you can see, I am the kind of person that goes big or I won’t do it at all. I even worked out with the Marines today. It was actually a workout/circuit that got me sweaty. It was tough though. I definitely need to step up my game. 

In other news, I bought these bad boys. Or rather my mother’s credit card did.

They are Merrell Barefoot shoes. I’m going to start wearing them at work. I got red though.

Also, in other news, I got a sick souvenir from the Warrior Dash. It was worse than that, honestly. Maybe I’m just a wimp badass.

You guys are lucky. My legs were shaved for this. They were looking nasty.

So, I been meaning to do a post on acupuncture for runners, but I’m curious about what you guys want to know. Do you want know what acupuncture actually is and why it’s helpful in the first place or what? Let me know. I got another appointment coming up too. Woo.

Well, well, well. I got some honorable eats

Meatless meat + zucchini + tomatoes + goat cheese 

“I ran to be free; I ran to avoid pain; I ran to feel pain; I ran out of love and hate and anger and joy.”
                                          –DAGNY SCOTT

Warrior Dash

12 Sep


I bet you want to hear all about the Warrior Dash. Well, that’s gonna have to wait. I’m going to rewind a bit.

Friday: No work! I woke up at six anyway to workout with some Marines. You know how that turned out. After that, I rested for a bit before I headed to my acupuncture appointment. It was incredible! The back of my legs (hamstring, calves, part of foot) was done. It didn’t hurt at all. I’ll have a single post on acupuncture for runners later on. I also got a massage. The woman giving the massage told me my right leg was extremely tight and so was the arch of my right foot. Go figure because that’s where my current problem is now. My right foot/toe area is bugging me. Now it’s not so terrible and I feel like I could run, but I’m holding it off.

Anyway, I’m hoping to go to another acupuncture appointment soon. It seemed to really help.

Friday night I went out to dinner, too, with my folks as well as my brother and his girlfriend. My family usually doesn’t eat at commercial restaurants, but we went to Outback Steakhouse. That use to be my favorite place when I was meat-eater. Besides, they have delicious bread. I got the Mahi with a salad and grilled onions.

Let me tell ya, I love onions. I seriously thought my meal was so good. I was really surprised and impressed.

After that, we raided fro-yo.

Saturday: I worked all day. No joke. After work, however, I did get Voodoo Doughnuts. In case you never heard of Voodoo Doughnuts even though they appeared on Food Network and the Cooking Channel, they are the best donuts ever.

They are rather popular in Portland. Voodoo Doughnuts makes some of the awesomest (yeah, I said it) donuts.

I just got the classic Voodoo donut as well as cereal one.

Sunday: Warrior Dash!


It was rather hectic getting there. My mom decided to bring two of our dogs and it was 90+ degrees out. We were trying to park and there were 200+ cars in a single file line trying to drive down a dirt road to a giant field where there would be parking. My mom was freaking out since we were running out of gas and she’s just a spaz. I got angry and left the car, got my bib number, lined up, and raced.

It was tougher than I imagined! It started with giant hills. Not like any hill, but hills that were so steep I could not run up them. I was running in a shuffle, luckily passing others. There was so much dirt too. I was eating and breathing dirt.

The first obstacle was going into deep water and climbing over logs. I was too short to even reach the bottom of the creek/pond/whatever it was water.

The next obstacle was jumping over cars. That was simple. There were plenty of wall climbing and running through hanging tires or ropes. I know it sounds like a piece of cake, but I was so out of breath from the running. Amazingly enough, my foot did not hurt until I dropped a few feet from climbing over a wall.

I was passing people like crazy though. It was the most I have ever cussed in a race. Also, it was the first time I walked in a race because I swear it turned into a hike. I felt like I was crawling up a mountain.

The last obstacle included jumping over fire then swimming in mud.

Exhibit A:

The price I paid for getting into that mud… hives. I have little red bumps all over my chest and back right now. I am itching like crazy that I went home from work early today. I couldn’t take it. I am not on enough medicine that I am passing out while I type this.

Warrior Dash was hella fun and tough. I don’t know why I thought it was going to be easy. I finished in less than 30 minutes though.  Some people took over an hour. It all depended on your fitness level. I know mine could definitely be better.  I can’t blame myself though. All last week I did not run. I was on the elliptical because of my damn foot.

It’s just odd that I felt nothing running in the race. Then, today, it felt okay. It didn’t run still and now I really want to run. I do not understand how I can run 50 miles for a month then reduce mileage insanely and that’s when I get hurt. It angers me.

Anyway, Warrior Dash was a blast! If it is different next year, I will definitely do it again.

After I finished the race around 3:00 (I’ll have more accurate info when I get my results), I went to look for my mother. Yeah, she was not there. I sat by a tree for two hours. Turns out she left and didn’t even watch me race. I suppose she was a terrible mood that day, which caused me to be a terrible mood today too.

Well, here’s the review of August 5th through August 11th:

Monday: Ran 8.58 miles @ a very slow pace
Tuesday: Ran 5.71 trails
Wednesday: Elliptical + Weights
Thursday: elliptical and strength class
Friday: Elliptical + stair master + weights
Saturday: Elliptical + weights
Sunday: Spin class + Warrior Dash (3.1 miles)

Total mileage: 17.39 miles

I wish it was higher, but whatdaya gonna do? When you can’t run, you can’t run. Good thing I don’t mind the elliptical and good thing I am giving up desserts.

Honorable eats:

Apple tart
Spicy fritata
 Apple quinoa
Sweet potato cakes + eggs

That’s it for now! I hope you  all are having a fabulous week.

“Just do the best with what you have, and you’ll soon be doing it better.”  Gil Hodges

Everything Tastes Better at Night

9 Sep

There is a good reason Taco Bell and Wendy’s is open 24/7.

Because nothing tastes better than tacos at 11 PM.

Or onion rings

There actually isn’t a good reason why Taco Bell is open so late. I don’t know why. Only hefty or high people go there at three in the morning. Or late night runners. I don’t know. I don’t judge.

Besides, doesn’t Shape Magazine and Fitness totally condemn eating so late? Don’t they all claim that eating so close to bed will make you fat?

Well, I must be three hundred pounds. 

Wait. I’m not (five more pounds to go though!) and I eat a huge meal before I sleep.

I get home rather late on days that I work. I’m off at 9 PM  and I get home around 9:25ish. That’s when I have the rest of my dinner.

Some nights I’m hungrier than others, but I know I have to eat something because leading up to that time, I burned a lot of calories. I’m always hungrier at night too. I’m never hungry in the morning or noon time. I probably eat 230ish calories for breakfast because I’m not hungry nor do I like to eat that much before I run then I come home to have lunch. I don’t eat a lot because, again, I’m not hungry. As the day progresses, my hunger returns and I eat.

Except when I’m at work, I can’t just stop to eat. I wait until a break where I turn into a vacuum and eat all my snacks and veggies. 

By the time I get home at 9:30, I’m usually hungry for a good dinner.

Last night I came home to:

  • Two garden burger patties (200 calories)
  • Vegan baked beans
  • 1/3 bagel
  • 100 calorie tuna packet
  • Coconut ice cream
  • Bran muffin
  • Oatmeal cookie
  • Half of Mamma Chia drink
  • Pickle

I finished off my night with watching some TV before going to bed at 11. 

According to most health experts/magazines/wanna be’s, I’m unhealthy. I didn’t let my food digest. I sat on the sofa afterwards so it didn’t burn off. I’m a fatass, I suppose.

Food eaten after 8 PM just turns into fat! Duh.

Yet, I didn’t have enough calories in for that day so should I just starve myself? Am I wrong for eating a billion calories before bed? says, “It is a dietary myth that food eaten just prior to bedtime turns into fat. According to the Mayo Clinic, weight management comes down to calories consumed and calories expended. When you consume more calories than your burn on a regular basis, you’re likely to gain weight. Conversely, if you burn more calories through exercise and regular, physical activity, you’re likely to lose weight. Keep in mind, however, that consuming enough calories in order to meet nutritional needs is important and cutting calories too severely can actually slow the metabolism.”

The thing is, I’m not eating five tacos from Taco Bell. I’m not chugging down sea salted fries or  a Big Mac. I’m eating protein. Yeah, there is some ice cream in there, but so what. I’m still eating breakfast the next morning.

“The type of food you consume makes a difference as well, as nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, tend to provide greater satiation in addition to nutrients, thus promoting healthy weight management. A calorie is indeed a calorie, but considering the sources most of your calories stem from can impact your weight and wellness.”

I understand some people have trouble with night-time eating. They’re bored or just tired so they grab a bag of potato chips.

I, on the other hand, grabs a tuna packet. But I’m the freak who should be, like, 400 pounds. I’m the unhealthy one for eating an hour before bed. I’m not swimming. I’m sleeping. So what?

It is important to realize that during sleep you burn a lot of calories and it is an opportunity missed, if taking off fat is the goal, to load up your digestive track with food before you hop in the sack. You are basically maintaining your fat stores doing that. Your body not only burns calories keeping your brain going at night and engaging in other autonomic functions, but it is repairing muscle and other tissue damage that you may have inflicted on it during your workouts/day. You have to train your body to draw on fat stores at night. (source.)

I don’t believe much from Fitness or Shape magazine anyway anymore. That was a lot of any’s. These are the same magazines that tell you to eat 1,200 – 1,500 calories a day. No wonder why their readers are late night eating. They’re hungry! And damnnn. Their workouts with five-pound dumbbells ae probably killer.

Take it from me, you can eat late at night. Your body doesn’t know what time of the day it is. Your body just knows it is hungry and wants more fuel since it hasn’t been getting enough.

I Know You Care

7 Sep


This week I am busy and I’m not even running.

Oh my god. I know you care about my running and how it is not happening. Yeah, I don’t know why all of a sudden my foot hurts, but it does and I don’t want to run because of it. First it was just my second toe that was hurting and now it’s below my second toe on the top of my foot.

Like I said, I have too many problems. 

I don’t plan on running until Saturday if everything feels okay because I do want to run before my 11 AM shift. Either way I will be running Sunday for the Warrior Dash.

On Friday, I go to the gym at 7:30 to train with my Marines recruiter then afterwards I have tutoring. I’m not done yet. I have an acupuncture appointment. I’m rather excited about getting needles stabbed into me. Hopefully it will help my foot.

Are you guys interested in a post on acupuncture for runners? I got some good details on it. I almost said ‘I got some good deets on that’. It was odd. I also wanted to do a post on eating before bedtime and some other jazzy shit stuff. Just let me know what you want to read/see. So whatcha whatcha want. 

Anyway, it’s Wednesday! I now love Wednesday because of…

I don’t have a proper WIAW, but regardless, I have had some good eats in the past few days. 

Spinach pie + fish
Spicy fish + spinach + veggies + rice
Giant oatmeal cookie + Muscle Milk
Detour protein bar (so good!)
Trix cereal + cottage cheese
Chocolate coconut water 

Not pictured: fro-yo from Yogurtland

What I worked Wednesday:

1 hour on the elliptical + full body lifting

My great cell phone photography skills. Enjoy. 

Well, if I was in the blogging mood I would totally bore you guys with my life and what’s going on, but I think I might hold off.

Until then, happy Wednesday! 

“You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back.” – PREFONTAINE

How Low Can You Go?

4 Sep

I’m throwing you guys for a loop here.

You ready?

I only ran three days this week. Oh my god. Someone call the loony bin because I went off the  deep end.

Or maybe not.

I’ve been in a bit of a running funk lately. All my runs suck. I feel slow and, yeah, I was slow for my own terms. I was running seven minute miles or more (less?) and I barely wanted to run farther than a mile.

I obviously needed a break from running since I have been running 50+ mile weeks for a month. My mind wanted to continue, but my body didn’t. Then my mind started to concur with my body.

So, I ran three times this week. I’ll probably run about the same next week too and I’ll see where I should go from there. Also, my big toe area has been feeling odd. I don’t know. I have too many problems.

Active rest is so important. I was feeling sluggish and I thought it was just me. It wasn’t my body, I thought. I believed I was just a huge failure. Then, I read this article. “With all this talk about running, it’s easy to forget about weight training and core work. Summer is a great time to gain strength and work on weaknesses. Even if you can’t get to a gym or weight room, there are plenty of exercises that can be done at home—chair dips, push-ups, stair step-ups, squat jumps, etc. Pair two leg or arm exercises with two ab exercises and do three sets of each. Or choose six exercises and do two circuits of everything. “

I still weight trained three times this week, but I just added in the elliptical, a strength class, and  spin class.

It’s funny how not running as much caused my appetite to spike. I feel so hungry all the time now. It could be the weight lifting though. I have been adding more weights and the next day I feel it.

So enough blah blah blah. Here’s my week in review:

August 29th through September 4th

Monday: Hour elliptical + 45 minute RIPPED class (strength training, plyo, and abs)
Tuesday: 12.25 mile run @ 6:59 pace (fastest pace – 6:36)
Wednesday: 7.78 miles @  6.59 pace (fastest pace – 6.40) + Weights

Thursday: Approximately 9.60 miles @ 6.51 pace (I forgot to start my Garmin at one point.)
Friday:  Elliptical + weights

Saturday: Spin class + elliptical
Sunday: Weights + spin class

Total mileage: Approximately 29.

Yeah, that’s a huge difference from fifty. It almost frightens me.

I plan on running tomorrow and I hope it goes well.

Honorable eats:

Peppermint cake
Salmon cakes and Indian rice
Oat bran muffin + custard
Tofu + tamale
Peanut butter cheesecake

In case you missed it:

“If you train your mind for running, everything else will be easy.”
                                  –Amby Burfoot 


3 Sep

Last night I had a rather amazing dinner.

I got a falafel burger and a side salad from New Seasons Market.

So good.

If you haven’t noticed, I normally don’t eat salads unless they are an appetizer or a side.

Never do I eat a salad as a meal and think, “Gee whiz. That was great. I’m so full.”

Never do I think that I need to eat a salad every day.

I see a lot of bloggers say, “I need to eat a salad every day. I need it. I. Need. It.”

They don’t get that aggressive, but they get pretty darn close.

 “‘Salad and tea.’ But where are the Krabby Patties?”

Of course I like salads if they are made correctly. I don’t love salads. They can be good tasting with the right dressing and toppings, but they are not incredible that I need one every single day.

A lot of bloggers defend their eating of salads by saying, “Here’s my lunch. A  salad in a popcorn bowl! It’s so big, you guys. Oh my god.”

Wow. So putting a salad in a kiddie pool instead of a regular bowl adds what… 20 calories? Good for you.

I just don’t think salads are meals. I also think many bloggers are huge liars that think their mountain-sized salad fills them and that it was just so delicious that they are going to eat it again tomorrow. “Just lifted some weights. Going to eat some kale and fat-free Trader Joe’s dressing!”

If you’re a bird, go ahead. Be my guest. Just stop fooling yourself into thinking that just because you make a salad in gigantic container, does not mean you are healthy and eating a satisfying meal.

It just grinds my gears, folks. Salads are not meals unless you are at California Pizza Kitchen where their salads are, like, 900 calories.

In addition, you know, you never hear guys saying, “Man, I just really need a salad today.” If they have a salad, it’s next to a huge bowl of pasta.

Okay, okay. That’s enough of my bitching. I’ll bitch about running instead.

So, Saturday’s are normally my long run days where I run for over an hour and a half without music. I really enjoy my long runs.

However, since I decided to scale back on running this week and next, I cut my long run. I wasn’t feeling it this morning really. My butt was hella sore from yesterday’s workout anyway so I went to spin class. Hello, fit male instructor. How you doin’?

This spin class was all about the hills. I swear we were standing for most of the class and my butt was screaming at me. Seriously.

I was planning to do a long trail run today, but if I want, I’ll just do it next week some time. Now I just need to study for my ASVAB test before work.

By the way, I just bought this awesome Groupon for acupuncture and a massage. The Groupon includes a 45-minute acupuncture session, Therapeutic TDP-lamp heat treatment, and a 15-minute Chinese medical massage. It cost me forty-nine bucks. I’m a little broke now. The radiator on my car broke so I was out $300 then I bought another pair of shoes and Running Times magazine for five bucks. It’s only like a trial issue or something, but it was five dollars and I thought it was worth it.

Enjoy your Saturday! Go eat a salad.

Or eat a peanut butter packet that’s been in your purse for a month. Whatever floats your boat.

“If you have a bad run, don’t obsess about it.  You’re always going to have days when your legs feel dead.” -Heather Hanscom